Supporting Special Educational Needs (SEN) at Doon Public School

At Doon Public School, we prioritise the holistic development and support of every student. Through a thorough analysis of student data, we've identified learners who may benefit from specialised attention. Our dedicated Counsellor spearheads the SEN (Special Education Needs) Program, a vital initiative introduced in the previous session.

Our comprehensive SEN team at Doon School comprises a School Counsellor, Special Educator, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, and SEN Mentor. This collaborative effort aims to cater specifically to the unique requirements of children with special needs.

Under the Children with Special Needs (CWSN)/SEN program, the School Counsellor acts as a crucial liaison between teachers, students, and the administration. The program begins with the identification process initiated by the class teachers, who fill out School Counselling referral forms for students in need of special attention.

These forms provide a detailed checklist based on observations and scholastic records.

Furthermore, parent sessions are conducted to discuss and devise specialised programs for these students, addressing ongoing therapies or additional requirements as necessary. Regular feedback mechanisms are in place to monitor classroom behaviour and address emerging issues. This facilitates a deeper understanding for teachers, enabling them to appreciate and recognise subtle changes that might otherwise go unnoticed.

The outcome of our Special Education Needs program at Doon has been immensely impactful, aiding special kids in overcoming hurdles with the collective and conscious efforts of all stakeholders involved. Together, we strive to create an inclusive environment where every student thrives and receives the support they need to flourish academically and personally.